Reports until 19:15, Friday 09 November 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:15, Friday 09 November 2012 (4661)
The twins are alive - MC1/MC3 damped

This afternoon, I finished cabling MC1 and MC3 - we had stalled yesterday due to 1) broken signals on one MC1 cable as alogged earlier and 2) missing helicoils in the shared quadrapuss cable.  I bypassed the nicely cabled broken SRS cable for MC1 M2/Middle and swapped in a new cable (D1000225 S1105175 180").  This restored the signals.  For lack of time, I left the old SRS cable still nicely routed in it's bundle through the ISI.  I'm hoping SEI will redress the cables, removing the old, lacing the new, at some later date in our HAM2 work this month - no urgency.  WIth the cable issues finalized, I suspended both MC1 and CM3 and removed all of their FirstContact coverings.  I enabled all watchdog and turned on the damping loops.  All seems well - no tripping, at least.  I left them damping when I closed the chamber, but UFl was still working across the table.  MC1 and MC3 are ready for flashing.