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Reports until 17:39, Monday 12 November 2012
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:39, Monday 12 November 2012 - last comment - 19:20, Monday 12 November 2012(4673)
IO work in the PSL
- JoeG, ChrisM, Luke, Alberto, Cheryl

Today we installed the aLigo H1 spacers under the PSL periscope.  This raised it about 1".  

The real upper periscope mirror, glued to a PZT, is now installed.  

The red eye-safe laser pointer is still attached to the periscope, and was used to look at the beam as it traveled from the PSL table to HAM2.

The beam is making it from the PSL to HAM2.  The periscope was moved to compensate for the misalignment of the beam on the viewport aperture, and is now about 1/2 an inch from the tube at the top of the periscope mirror.  Tomorrow we'll discuss other possible options for splitting the difference in misalignment.

I cleaned and reinstalled the EOM into the IO path.  It's as close as possible back to it's original alignment, based on landmarks I left for myself, and will need to be aligned tomorrow when we get a beam back.

picture 1) IO_MB_M2 optics boxes - old 1" optic and new 2" optic.

picture 2) EOM reinstalled - ALS FI had to move and lost a needed beam dump.  I just talked to Keita, and the proposed solution is to move the ALS path 1" toward the reference cavity.  Will discuss at tomorrow's meeting.
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Comments related to this report
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - 19:20, Monday 12 November 2012 (4675)
TYPO: GAP set to20.04mm not 20.40mm
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