Reports until 14:35, Tuesday 13 November 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:35, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4682)
CDS maintenance, the LVEA test stand parts

As part of WP#3559 I changed the h1iopsusquadtst model to add a user switch to disable the watchdog. I also renamed B478 and ITMY to QUADTST in this model.

I then stopped the QUADTST user model and the phone promptly rang in the control room, it was Doug, who was using h1susquadtst to check out the ITMY suspension attached to the test stand, oops.

After a get together with Mike, Mark, Doug and Dave we figured out where the confusion was. We have stopped the IOP upgrade work for now so Doug can complete his work this afternoon.