Since the arm power measurement revealed that there might be an 8% discrepancy between the two arm powers, with the Y arm having more power, we have become concerned that Input RIN coupling to DARM may be worse than anticipated. Last evening I took some broadband intensity noise injections and an intensity noise swept sine when I couldn't get coherence at low frequency. Today I projected these noises into DARM. (attachment one) Although low frequency intensity noise is higher than it should be if our arms were balanced, we are not limited by input intensity noise in DARM except at 3 kHz and upward. Attachment two is the DARM/Input RIN TF from the broadband injection. Attachments three, four, and five are the DARM/Input RIN TF, Arm RIN/Input RIN TF, and DARM/Arm RIN TF from the swept sines. These are reposted from alog 46781 for convenience.
Here's a comparison with the simulation results described in 46759.