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Reports until 15:11, Tuesday 13 November 2012
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:11, Tuesday 13 November 2012 - last comment - 07:44, Wednesday 14 November 2012(4685)
Mark B. 

Commencing DTT TFs on ITMy. Will get as far as possible this afternoon and then continue this evening. Priority is M0 and R0 undamped, then M0 and R0 damped.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 02:51, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4691)
Mark B.

Took M0 and R0 undamped TFs. All data is in the SVN as 2012-11-13_1515* (M0) and 2012-11-14_0015* (R0). plotquad_dtttfs.m has been run successfully. plotallquad_dttfs.m has been run and generated some comparison plots, but crashed while trying to merge them. All plots that were generated have been committed. Damping was restored at 02:49 am. No more tonight.
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 07:44, Wednesday 14 November 2012 (4694)
Thanks for Mark's late night efforts! I attach a merged plot of TFs showing:-

Orange trace = L1 ITMX (thincp 2012−11−03), Phase 2a
Black trace = L1 ITMY (thincp 2012−09−06),Phase 2a
Magenta trace = H2 ITMY (thincp 2012−05−29), Phase 3b
Dark cyan = H1 QUADTST (thincp 2012−11−14), Phase 2a
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