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Reports until 18:51, Tuesday 19 February 2019
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:51, Tuesday 19 February 2019 (47002)
BNS range possibilities without some of our broad peaks

In order to get a rough idea of how much range we're losing to the 60 Hz and 180 Hz broad peaks, I've done a crude interpolation of what our DARM spectrum would look like without them.  Short answer: If we could get rid of the 60 Hz, 180 Hz, and also the lump that comes and goes around 50 Hz, we'd have about 6 5 more Mpcs.  Note that the absolute value of the calibration is not at all certified (Jeff took more sweeps this afternoon), but the general ~8% improvement is reasonable.   EDIT: Now using the Darm spectrum with Pcal correction from Jeff's alog 47003.

In the attached figure, the blue trace is the original spectrum from 19 Feb 2019 08:03:45 UTC the time that Jeff calibrated.  Orange-y red is if I cut out the 180 Hz peak.  Yellow is if I also cut out the broad 60 Hz peak.  Purple is if I get rid of the lump around 50 Hz.  Finally, green is if I also cut out the 35 Hz calibration lines (which we know we can subtract offline), for about an 8%  6.4% total improvement over the original (82.6 Mpc to 87.9 Mpc)

This doesn't include the calibration effects that JeffK measured today (an extra few %), or the squeezing that Nutsinee and Sheila measured later today (another extra several %), so the actual absolute range we can achieve is higher than the numbers on my legend here.  It also doesn't include the removal of ASC and LSC noise, which for a time a few weeks ago gave us another ~4% (alog 46756).


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