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Reports until 17:50, Tuesday 19 February 2019
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:50, Tuesday 19 February 2019 - last comment - 10:52, Wednesday 20 February 2019(47003)
DELTAL_EXT Calibration Status: (Frequency Dependent) 20% systematic error, BNS Range Underreported by ~12%
J. Kissel, E. Goetz

Since we haven't had a number to reflect the answer to perennial question  "what's the status of the calibration?" in what *feels* like a long time (the last time we were able to quantify its badness was on on 2019-01-31, based on a measurement from 2019-01-18, see LHO:46723), I've been given time to take a PCAL to DELTAL_EXTERNAL sweep today.

As a result of successfully gathering this sweep, I was able to -- offline -- correct all* systematic errors in the DELTAL_EXTERNAL ASD, and compute the range -- at one time -- 120 seconds of data starting at 2019-02-19 23:00 UTC. This time was a thermally stabilized, and otherwise undisturbed with all calibration lines on. The plot aide is attached, but the sweep indicated a frequency dependent systematic error with excursions as high as 20%. 
The conclusion is that DELTAL_EXTERNAL is under-reporting H1's range by (85.45 - 75.35)/85.45 = 0.1182 ~ 12%.
*This is, of course, assuming PCAL is a perfect calibrator. It should be damn close as the PCAL Y recently had a tune-up and remeasure of its force coefficient -- see LHO:46695, but I only balk a bit because of the recent evidence for clipping -- see LHO:46847.

While I can't specifically attribute the systematic error to any one thing, I can point you to an aLOG in which I describe the current (well -- 2 weeks ago now) status of what I believe I need to do in order to correctly *remove* this systematic error: LHO:46806. Sadly, because of the snow-blizzard and lack of person power, I haven't made much *tangible* progress at all.

The data lives here:
    (1) 2019-02-19_H1_PCAL2DARM_TF_5t1100Hz_8min.xml [Contains both DELTAL / PCAL and C/(1+G) measurements]
    (2) 2019-02-19_H1DARM_OLGTF_5to1100Hz_20min.xml [Contains both G and 1/(1+G) measurements]
    (3) 2019-02-19_H1_OMCDCPDSUM_to_DARMIN1.xml [Contains information to turn DARM IN1 counts roughly into DCPD SUM Current in "mA"]
Note -- I only *need* needed measurement (1), but I was generously given a bit more time.

I've worked my way through using Evan's command line function,

It required I create a new loop model,

The exact command line sequence I used for the function is 
python3.6 correct_bns_range.py --run='O3' --IFO='H1' --GPSstart='1234652418' --GPSend='1234652538' --PCAL2DARMTF='/ligo/svncommon/CalSVN/aligocalibration/trunk/Runs/O3/H1/Measurements/FullIFOSensingTFs/2019-02-19_H1_PCAL2DARMTF_A_PCALYRX_B_DELTALEXT_tf.txt' --PCAL2DARMCOH='/ligo/svncommon/CalSVN/aligocalibration/trunk/Runs/O3/H1/Measurements/FullIFOSensingTFs/2019-02-19_H1_PCAL2DARMTF_A_PCALYRX_B_DELTALEXT_coh.txt' --DARMmodelfile='modelparams_H1_20190219' --modelFunction='modelPars'
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 17:58, Tuesday 19 February 2019 (47004)
The BNS range corrected strain data can be found attached here, and committed to
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 10:52, Wednesday 20 February 2019 (47030)
Processed the sensing function. Added more points at low frequency to hope resolve the detuning parameters. More details to come.
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