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Reports until 10:42, Thursday 15 November 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:42, Thursday 15 November 2012 - last comment - 12:32, Thursday 15 November 2012(4701)
MCL PZT deinstall (Kiwamu, Keita)

Uninstalled one of two Mad City Labs PZT controllers and the PZT connected to it on the EY ALS table.

The driver is a fanless Nano-Drive (not Nano-Drive 85 with a fan) which is at the bottom of the overhead rack. The PZT is the one with 1" mirror close to the Faraday. These are sent back to the manufacturer.

Before pulling the PZT out, we restored HEPI, ISI, EY and TMS suspension so that everything is at roughly the right angle, injected the green beam, enabled the QPD centering servo so the beam hits the center of green QPDs, confirmed that the beam retroreflected by EY was coming back to the table, held the output of the PZT output and turned the servo off, and marked the beam path using irises. This will allow us later to reinstall the PZT without losing the input pointing.


For future reference, here is the cable numbers on the front panel:

X (PIT) cables:

WBSC6-RF28-1: Input X

RF29-1: Sensor X

RF29-2: HV/10 X


Y (YAW) cables:

RF28-2: Input Y 

RF29-3: Sensor Y

RF29-4: HV/10 Y


X and Y DB9 cables are connected to the X and Y feed through on the ALS table.


The mirror was dirty (some pictures to be attached later). Most of them went away with a gentle wiping, but some big ones persisted. Also, we couldn't find any obvious way to remove mirrors. It seems as if it was glued, so we're sending it back to the manufacturer with the mirror.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 12:32, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4703)

The first two pictures show the mirror right after it was pulled out. It was filthy.

After it was wiped very, very, very gently using Vectra wipes, most of the things are gone but some big ones persisted (third picture).

Images attached to this comment
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