Reports until 17:19, Thursday 15 November 2012
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4702)
Ops Summary
Michael R. and James B. fixed one of the cameras in the H1 PSL enclosure.
James B. moved the H1ECATC1 computer to a different rack in the MSR. I shutdown and started it, including the TwinCAT PLCs and EPICS IOCs.
The ITMY cartridge was moved from the test stand to BSC1.
Michael R. transitioned the LVEA to laser hazard to allow PSL light into HAM1, HAM2 and HAM3 for the first attempt to flash the MC.
SKi and a visitor worked on the FMCS system.
Joe G. worked on the IOT1 table.
Keita and Kiwamu worked on deinstalling a PZT controller at end Y.