Reports until 18:25, Thursday 15 November 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:25, Thursday 15 November 2012 (4712)
h1susb123 work

I continued the build of the SUS frontend for ITMY (h1susb123). Richard resolved the SFP timing issue this morning and the IOP model has been running all day. I built the h1susitmy model by copying the H2 model this afternoon but then found that the H1.ipc IPC file has exceeded the 64 Dolphin channels limit. It exceeded it some time ago when EY was copied over to H1. So I have put a halt on ITMY development until we can get this resolved. I have taken out the ITMY IPC channels from H1.ipc and stopped the h1susb123 models for now.