Reports until 13:14, Thursday 28 February 2019
H1 SQZ (SQZ) - posted 13:14, Thursday 28 February 2019 (47196)
More Notes on New Squeezer CLF Diode
Had to change some parameters on the new squeezer CLF photodiode (S1900052) that was posted yesterday (Log entry 47171) due to me making a mistake.

1.  Moved resonant inductor to the right location in the circuit to have a measure of DC photocurrent (dumb mistake)
2.  Rechecked the resonant frequency and Q.  New Q = 29.  Had to adjust the trimming capacitor a little bit for 6.25MHz Fc
3.  Installed a 10k resistor into the DC transimpedance stage replacing the 100 ohm resistor that was previously installed.

Remeasured output noise, resonant response, Q.  Calculated new SNEP = 9.5uA.  Confirmed by introducing ~10uA photocurrent and observing 3dB increase in noise.