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Reports until 17:27, Friday 16 November 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:27, Friday 16 November 2012 (4720)
Added BSC6 Ion Pump EPICS channels to Vacuum Controls


Following the wiring of the new BSC6 75l/s Ion Pump, I created a new database file for the h0veey VME IOC called HVE-EY:75IPBSC6.db. This is essentially a copy of the existing BSC10 database, with BSC10 replaced by BSC6 and 411 replace with 425.

At 13:31 we restarted h0veey with the new database, all went well. I also changed:

I also fixed the MEDM to MEDM links for the vacuum screens on the control room machines.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.