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Reports until 14:19, Monday 19 November 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:19, Monday 19 November 2012 (4734)
H1 SUS TMSY Simulink Model Bug Fixed
Keita and Vincent had reported some time ago that the BIO_STATE_REQ (the EPICs channel in which one requests to change the state of the analog filtering in the coil drivers) was not switching the digital filters in the COILOUTF bank like it's supposed to. This cropped up after the big upgrade back in late October. Turns out it was just two tags that were swapped -- the CTRL bit word and the MASK bitword, which are sent to the cdsCtrlFilt had been switched. My bad. 

I fixed this bug in 
committed, recompiled, re-installed, restarted, and restored the TMTS, and have confirmed the the digital filters switch according to the BIO_STATE_REQ as designed.

In doing so, I made sure that H1 SUS TMSY's safe.snap was up-to-date, and followed the current schema. The safe.snap now lives here:
(which had lived in ETMY's folder, for some reason, prior to my update). It's not properly soft-linked in the target directory as 

Regrettably, I'd restarted the front-end before remembering that the TMS watchdog was hooked up to the BSC6-ISI. So, upon restart, the BSC6-ISI, who had been running with some if his stage 1 isolation loops, watchdog tripped which -- going from isolated to tripped -- sent a "jolt" big enough to trip the very-sensitive QUAD watchdog. No one was "hurt," but it meant I had more restoring to do than initially intended. I've restored the TMS, ETMY to be fully damped and functional. Because the user scripts for the ISI are still pretty user-unfriendly (IMHO), and I think Vincent had BSC6-ISI in some "non-standard" configuration, I didn't wanna "risk" bringing the isolation loops back up, so I've left the ISI with damping loops for both stages on (only). [[Everything in quotes are stronger words than what happened. That's why I put them in quotes.]]
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