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Reports until 20:48, Wednesday 06 March 2019
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:48, Wednesday 06 March 2019 (47352)
Measured MICH Pit

I measured ASC MICH pitch this afternoon.  The 6Hz lowpass was off (Sheila and I put this in the guardian, since it seems to clearly help the buildups be more smooth, and scatter things go away).  I think that we should re-look at the noise budget to see if we can afford to increase the bandwidth of this loop a bit, because right now it's pretty small.  After we increase the bandwidth of MICH (if we can), we should see if DHARD's noise coupling is still modulated by something that is witnessed by the POP QPD (as Gabriele indicated). 

In the attached figure, I show the same OLG data set, keeping data points with coherence above 0.7 or 0.9 respectively.

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