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Reports until 16:12, Monday 19 November 2012
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:12, Monday 19 November 2012 - last comment - 09:40, Tuesday 20 November 2012(4737)
MC2 First Contact removal

With SEI continuing work on BSC1, I had the afternoon free to get a jump start on HAM3 work that Cheryl will be doing tomorrow.  The optic was locked and (after swapping controllers on the nitrogen due to non-functionality), I began pulling First Contact.  The AR side of the optic came off with no problems.  However, moving to the HR side, I noticed as I began pulling the PEEK tab that it had not be FC'd all the way to the edge of the FC area (about 5mm from the edge in fact).  After pulling hard enough to rip a few strands of the PEEK with no success on pulling down the FC, I resorted to applying more FC to the tab such that it is connected at the edge.  I'll try again in the morning.  Current state: optic is locked, AR is naked, HR is drying.  Side note: Before beginning, I noticed that SEI had 'testing in progress' signs posted on the chamber.  After consulting with the operator (Cheryl), attempting to contact Hugo by phone, talking to Vincent, checking the aLog, and physically checking that the ISI was locked down myself, it was decided that the signs were false and that I could work in the chamber.  Apologies if I did interrupt any measurements.

Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 09:40, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4742)

The signs do not necessarily mean that measurements are currently running.

They are here to remind that the ISI is in testing state which implies that:

- Things can be broken if someone steps on the ISI while it is unlocked
- If someone makes changes to the ISI without notifying the SEI team, SEI ends up spending time troubleshooting while changes are obvious to the one who performed them.
- If measurements are running they will be interrupted.
- No matter how small the changes made are, it is always an interruption in the commissioning process and time is needed to get back up.

Like Travis did, it is important to always check with the operator/SEI before touching the ISI. Please follow the checklists on the sign to make sure that it is safe to work on the ISI (e.i. ISI is locked, suspensions are damped, no measurement running, ...) and that you leave everything like it should be (ISI unlocked for testing, SUS damped, no tools on the ISI, covers inflated, no rubbing cable....).

It is important to always leave an aLog, even short, describing the state the ISI was found, and left in.

The sign and the aLogs will also be helpful to our visitors that are not necessarily aware of the state/needs of the platform.

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