Reports until 16:19, Monday 19 November 2012
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:19, Monday 19 November 2012 - last comment - 16:32, Monday 19 November 2012(4738)
High return water temp for Y-mid

Cheryl notified me of a high temp alarm for the Y-mid supply ~74F return ~78F -> I confirmed that the chilled water circulating pump was running and noted 20psi was indicated at the pump inlet.  There were no alarms on the chiller control panel and the the display showed "Auto" and "Local".  The compressor did not run while I was present.  I walked through the building and the temp seemed "normal" i.e., not noticeably warm.  

The ambient temp outside is unseasonably warm today.  Neither Ski nor John are here today and I am not privy on the current FMCS settings etc. so, I'll not jump to rock the boat unless the building temperature rises noticeably.
Comments related to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 16:32, Monday 19 November 2012 (4739)

I found that both YMID and XMID had their heaters set to one stage on (8ma) in manual control. In the recent past these were in auto but now I notice that XMID is responding incorrectly when placed in auto. For the time being I have turned off the heaters in both buildings (4ma). This should bring the temperatures down.

A few weeks ago the chilled water setpoints were adjusted for winter operation - this, along with the additional heat load of the heaters, should explain the high chilled water temperatures.