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Reports until 12:25, Tuesday 20 November 2012
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:25, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4744)
BSC2 BS cartridge positions_LHO location vs LLO
(Doug, Jason)
We took some quick measurements of the BS on TS2 to determine its postion in order to help resolve the interference between the strut mounting and the trim masses locations verses those at LLO.
We measured to H1 BS position in relation to TS2-18 monument back  sighting to TS2-25 monument.
The required distance is 3734.9mm +/-3.0mm from the TS2-18 monument to the AR side of the optic with the glass mass installed. however, the metal dummy mass was installed for this measurement.
Note: the glass mass is 60.0mm+/-.0.5 thick verses 57.09mm +/- 0.5mm. So to adjust for the difference the distance measurement is shorter by 1.46mm (60.0 - 57.09 = 2.91/2 =1.46mm).
Measured distance was total station EDM to corner cube = 3694mm; corner cube to BS AR face = 49.4mm=> 3743.4mm => - 1.46mm correction for the dummy mass = 3742.mm total = 7.04mm error (long)

Total Station set over the TS2-18 monument total station pointing at 45deg, 6min, 17 sec (perpendicular to AR)
Measured angle to the left edge of structure frame = 41deg,29min, 53sec. (3deg 37min,24sec from centerline)
Measured angle to the right edge of structure frame =48deg, 42min,54sec (3deg 36min 37sec from centerline).
Note: for calculation purposes needing the distance to the structure face where the edge measurement were taken we added: 3694mm (TS - CC) + 10mm (reference plain to CC mnt) + 4.90mm (mount thickness) =3708.9mm
Results: tan[3.6067-3.6103]/2 * 3708.9 =-0.1mm (right) (requirement is +/- 1.0mm

The 7.04mm is not the whole story I don't think
We should revisit templates? Changes in rev number of templates? Same version used in LLO?
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