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Reports until 17:54, Tuesday 20 November 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:54, Tuesday 20 November 2012 (4751)
Test of DAQ upgrade to solaris11 on H2 DAQ


Greg, Dan, Dave.

LDAS upgraded the QFS writer for the H2DAQ primary system (h2ldasgw0 machine) to Solaris11.0 this afternoon. I have just remounted this file system on h2fw0 and h2nds0. The h2fw0 is writing frames to the QFS file system.

A bad 2GB mem DIMM was found in h2ldasgw0, this was replaced with a spare. Also, one of the fibre channel cards is showing a fault and we are running on the second card.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.