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Reports until 00:54, Wednesday 21 November 2012
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:54, Wednesday 21 November 2012 (4754)
Mode Cleaner alignment:
- Keita, Kiwamu, Cheryl

Mode Cleaner:
The beam is centered as it comes through MC1 and centered on MC2.  We were able to center the beam on MC3 using the alignment sliders on MC2.  The beam made it back around to MC1 and is separated from the input beam by about 1cm.  Then it was time to go home.

The alignment was made using irises placed on HAM2 and HAM3 according to the dimensions of alignment tools that Luke made.

One thing we ran into was that one OSEM on MC2 was basically railed, so the watchdog kept tripping.  When MC2 tripped, it moved mostly in yaw which suggests it might be bumping into an EQ stop.

Other work in HAM2:
The beam from the PSL had to be adjusted from inside the PSL, because the centering on the upper periscope mirror was off.  After centering on the upper periscope mirror, the periscope had to be rotated to align the beam to the lower periscope mirror.  The rotation was maybe 1-2 degrees.  The position and angle of AROM RH1 and ROM RH1 were adjusted.  The clamp on ROM RH1 was moved 180 degrees, after seeing that the screw in the clamp was at the far end of the slot, and after finding available space on the top level HAM2 layout drawing.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.