Reports until 11:55, Wednesday 21 November 2012
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:55, Wednesday 21 November 2012 (4757)
BSC1 HEPI and ISI install progress
GregG, MitchR, JimW

Following the initial float of HEPI and Doug's follow up optical survey yesterday, HEPI was adjusted to fix the level of the the optical table this morning. The adjustment was relatively problem free, and the ISI is now level to within .1mm and is within .1 mm of the required elevation, at 244.1mm on Doug's ruler (see post 4752). After HEPI was adjusted, I locked the feet down while Greg and Mitch dropped cables down and plugged CPSes in. Unfortunately, a cable on a vertical sensor broke during install, so we will have to replace it, before proceeding with floating the ISI. We should be able to finish up by COB today, allowing SUSsers to resume work on Monday.