Reports until 02:59, Sunday 17 March 2019
daniel.brown@LIGO.ORG - posted 02:59, Sunday 17 March 2019 (47591)
Keeping SR3 heater on

Anamaria, Alexei, Danny, Dan

Tonight we have left the SR3 heater on at 5W. After redoing an initial alignment and some fine tuning of SRM/PRM for DRMI locking has been great. Jenne mentioned the other day that DRMI felt snappier with the SR3 heater on, I would agree with that. The last three locklosses we had DRMI was relocked again in a few minutes, DRMI has been catching on the first fringe each time, we've not had to touch anything. We have had no issues getting through to powering up to 30W. However, we haven't got past low noise ASC. SRC 1 and 2 are not converging as well as they have done previously, it almost looks as if they have an offset. Upon going through low noise ASC we eventually hit a point where we see some 2Hz ring up in MICH yaw, which appears in DSOFT+CSOFT pitch out. The ring up is quick and we lose lock in ~2s.

After stepping through low noise ASC we missed out MICHP FM8 and did not increase MICHY gain from -0.2 to -1. We then made it through to nominal low noise fine.