Reports until 18:33, Wednesday 20 March 2019
craig.cahillane@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:33, Wednesday 20 March 2019 (47722)
Arm powers with 35 W input power
We reran the SRCL dither arm power measurement for our new 35 W input power setting.  This was taken two hours into a lock, so the IFO was relatively thermalized (QPD powers increased by ~0.1% after this measurement, see attachment two).


Arm QPD      Gain [DARM m/RIN]    Arm Power Inferred [kW]
XA           1.46e-6              173
XB           1.50e-6              178
YA           1.59e-6              188
YB           1.66e-6              196

X Arm Power = 175 kW
Y Arm Power = 192 kW
Mean Arm Power = 184 kW +- 9.0 kW

Ratio Y/X Arm Power = 1.095

Estimated Arm Power from Input Power and PRG
True input power = 31.2 W
PRG = 44.2
Theoretical Arm Gain = 280
Estimated Arm Power = 193.1 kW

So we have 184/193 = 95% of our total expected arm power.
Images attached to this report