Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 17:46, Tuesday 27 November 2012
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:46, Tuesday 27 November 2012 - last comment - 09:17, Wednesday 28 November 2012(4780)
H1 Mode Cleaner is flashing.
- Chris, Giacomo, Cheryl, Kiwamu (yesterday)

We aligned the mode cleaner and have it flashing.

We had to rotate MC1 and MC3 in YAW, to get them within range of their sliders.  Tomorrow we fine tune the alignment with sliders and then offload the sliders by pushing the cages and adjusting the pitch.  We'll need some help from SUS to adjust the pitch.

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Comments related to this report
chris.mueller@LIGO.ORG - 09:17, Wednesday 28 November 2012 (4786)
The offsets on the IMC suspensions prior to offloading are

SUS Pitch Yaw
MC1 -2150 19860
MC2 -1429 11960
MC3 -2320 -5380
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