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Reports until 16:01, Wednesday 28 November 2012
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:01, Wednesday 28 November 2012 (4787)
BSC 2 work

WIth IO still working out some yaw issues before I am needed for another round of pitch adjustment, I was free to resume work on the BS suspension on the BSC 2 cartridge.  After refreshing my memory via Hugh, I locked down the ISI.  The first round of lockers (Stage 2 lockers??) worked flawlessly.  However, moving to the second round, I was only able to get 2 of the 3 lockers fully engaged.  I wasn't using isopropanol as is standard practice within SEI, but determined by nudging the ISI that is was locked sufficiently to allow me to do what I had intended.  I began work on the BS by removing the ECD magnet block and replacing them with the dummy Al blocks.  This required reweighting the top mass as these block were also a COM correction in addition to eliminating magnets.  I reweighed and redistributed the masses to the nominal (symmetrical) arrangement.  I then resuspended the chain and confirmed that the new arrangement produced a favorable alignment of the chain i.e. no gross pitch.  Next up: replace the BOSEMs that I removed to facilitate ECD block replacement, and finish cabling for the first round of re-testing.  Cartridge status:  ISI is locked, SUS is hanging.

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