Reports until 18:52, Thursday 29 November 2012
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:52, Thursday 29 November 2012 (4788)
IO high power optics between PSL and MC1:
List of 2"optics in HAM2 in the IO periscope and the steering mirrors to MC1:

M-38-UNP, SN-01, upper periscope mirror
- no defects on front face

M-38-UNP, SN-22, bottom periscope mirror
- no defects on front face

M-38-UNP, SN-65,
- looks good, effects on the back, but not the front
- installed as AROM RH1

M-38-UNP, SN-12
- defect 4mm from center
- installed as ROM RH1