Reports until 09:18, Thursday 29 November 2012
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:18, Thursday 29 November 2012 - last comment - 17:29, Thursday 29 November 2012(4793)
Laser room temperature test

The AC units and HEPAs in the laser room have been turned off, and the make up air reduced to 25% to maintain an overpressure in that room. The anteroom HEPAs were turned to Standby, which is 55%, also done to maintain an overpressure. The lights in both rooms have been turned off, but the monitors and computers are left on, since I couldn't get those from outside. I'll set the fans back to their original values at the end of the day and post the results. This is to see how the temperature of the room stabilizes in "science mode" conditions.

Comments related to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - 17:29, Thursday 29 November 2012 (4799)

8 hours wasn't enough to let the room come to equilibrium, but I didn't want to leave it overnight with the fans off, so I've turned everything back on. The AC units did not turn back on even though the control panel outside the enclosure said they were running, and required a manual restart from inside the laser room.

Attached are also DBB plots taken during this time.

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