Reports until 17:06, Thursday 29 November 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:06, Thursday 29 November 2012 - last comment - 11:06, Friday 30 November 2012(4798)
ITM was working, now it isn't

During the quiet lunch hour Mark ran 3 of the 6 DOF TFs on the ITMy main chain.  The TFs indicated the ITMy looked healthy with resonance peaks in appropriate places.  At 4pm, Vincent reported that he could not run ISI measurements because he ITMy watchdog was tripped.  A quick investigation by Mark, Vicent, Hugh and I on DV indicates that indeed the ITMy seems rung up in Transverse (a motion only driven by the single side BOSEM).  As well, while we can enable the damping loops and watchdaogs such that signals wiggle out the far right of the ITMy MEDM, we aren't convinced damping is actually happening on the ITMy as seen by BOSEM channels on DV, and a quick noisy TF of longitudinal motion.  No mechanical work was undertaken on the ITMy today.  Possible culprits:

SEI work up top in the morning and afternoon could have jarred the ITMy into an EQ stop - will check in the morning, but doubtful as the BOSEM (sensors) postions look unchanged from the morning.

IOP work to remove BS which was hindering measurements, including frontend and model reboots/restarts to everything related to the IOP - Maybe we need a fresh reboot/restart? Will press on with troubleshooting tomorrow.

Comments related to this report
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - 09:48, Friday 30 November 2012 (4803)
The Binary I/O were not functioning on this unit.  The cables to the back of the chassis were wrong. This would indicate that the drive signals never were actually driving and we need to rerun all Xfer functions.   The cabling for the binary cards were a problem from a top to bottom left to right issue.  The computer controlled the chassis from top to bottom but the cable installed went bottom to top.  Easily diagnosed with the Binary IO MEDM.  
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 11:06, Friday 30 November 2012 (4804)
Mark B.

For the record, here are the plots from the three M0 TFs (L, T and V) that I was able to get done in the narrow window from 12:30 pm Thursday referred to by Betsy. The coherence was pretty bad, especially at low frequency, so probably there was something amiss with the drive as noted by Richard, but the peaks are in the right place, so the suspension is probably mechanically OK. Mitchell has just finished some recabling as of 11:00 am Friday, so I'm going to take a new set to be sure.
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