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Reports until 09:40, Friday 29 March 2019
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:40, Friday 29 March 2019 - last comment - 22:53, Saturday 30 March 2019(47982)
locking without ETMX pum length to angle decoupling

This alog has been edited.

I think that we have understood one of reason that we have had trouble with the stability of our DARM loop over the last few months, which I've tried to explain in a dcc note: T1900148.  The summary is that we are using length to angle decoupling, and because our spot positions are far off center we also are using gains of about 5 in the angle to length decoupling on the ETX PUM (a DARM actuator) to avoid having the angular drive show up in length.  Since the output of the length to angle decoupling doesn't go through the angle to length decoupling filter, the output of that filter couples to DARM through the spot mis centering, which has been large enough to cause instabilities and calibration problems.  

There have been several problems with the stability of the DARM loop over the last few months that might be explained by this, including the 4.2 Hz instability, which was initially solved by adding a boost to the PUM lock filter (47164) but has come back in the last few weeks, There have also been several attempts to change the DARM loop in ways that should have been stable according to the model but weren't, this effect is probably contributing to that difficulty.

This morning Niko and Jenne have been struggling with 4.2 Hz locklosses again, so we took a guess that turning off the L2P and L2Y might help fix the problems at 4.2 Hz, and that turning off the boost in the PUM stage would give us more phase margin for the crossover around 8 Hz and might help us avoid the locklosses we've had with the L2A off.  So far it seems that this is working.  If we can run like this it would make the calibration more accurate and make understanding our DARM loop easier. 

The two most obvious ways to get rid of this parallel DARM actuation path are to set the A2L gains to zero, and turning off the L2A decoupling.  We don't want to set the A2L gains to zero because we do not want the spot to be centered on the optic (power recycling gain, point absorbers). We would expect that turning off the L2A decoupling will increase the size of the ASC control signals.  We have never had accurate measurements for the length to angle decoupling above 2.5 Hz, these filters are rolled off at around 10 Hz. 

Some other conclusions from thinking about these cross couplings more: (updated)

Comments related to this report
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 14:35, Thursday 28 March 2019 (47997)

In the attached figures (one with many signals, the other zoomed in on the signals that have a relevant change) show a reference time (dashed traces) from last night, when we did have our previously-nominal L2A filters and the PUM boost on versus our current lock without the L2A or PUM boost.  You can see that all of the arm degrees of freedom (CHARD, DHARD, CSOFT, DSOFT and ADS) see much less motion at ~4 Hz, but the SOFT degrees of freedom see more motion at lower frequencies.  This isn't too surprising since the L2A filters were measured with good coherence up to about 2 Hz, but not above there.  On an upcoming Tuesday when we have time, we'd like to take data to get these L2A filters better coherence (JeffK started this Tuesday, but it's really hard to get good coherence). 

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jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - 22:53, Saturday 30 March 2019 (48084)
   Relocked this evening with no apparent problems. Guardian setup the ETM-X L2_LOCK_FILTER as described in Sheila's E-Mail to the operators. The Qprime (FM7) was turned on and the FM5 boost4.5 was turned off. The gain for L2_L was set to 23.00. 

   The L2_L current state is 0x6030004, the correct state is 0x6000004, and the state is flagged as bad.  
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