Reports until 15:24, Tuesday 04 December 2012
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:24, Tuesday 04 December 2012 - last comment - 18:27, Tuesday 04 December 2012(4826)
IO has never been closer to done with HAM3!
The alignment of the MC was checked with the IR beam from the PSL.  The beam was well aligned through the 3 MC irises, and the MC was flashing.  DavidT and I removed the iris in front of MC2, and installed it between MC3 and IM1.  This allows IO to monitor MC alignment, and continue HAM2 alignment, all from HAM2, meaning that we have exited HAM3.  However, we have about 30 minutes right now to check the alignment of the beam dumps behind MC2 with the IR beam  something we were unable to do earlier today.
Comments related to this report
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 18:27, Tuesday 04 December 2012 (4834)
And now we are, as of 3:30 this afternoon.  Hugo and Jim unlocked, rebalanced, and the table is floating.