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Reports until 17:38, Tuesday 04 December 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:38, Tuesday 04 December 2012 (4832)
Maintenance summary

Dave and Jim

We worked on the problem of the SUS ITMY model frequently running over its 60uS time limit. This has become a critical problem in that the user model is causing the IOP to send IPC errors to the SEI BSC1 system, which trips the DACKILL there and destroys Vincent's measurements. First we replaced the h1susb123 computer with the not-being-used-at-the-moment h1seib3 front end computer. This involved a DHCP change on h1boot and moving the one-stop pci bus extended fiber. This did not fix the problem so we reverted back to the original h1susb123 computer.

Jim went to EY and looked at the BIOS of a front ends there. He compared that with the BIOS setting of h1susb123 and discovered that the EY configuration had many more settings disabled compared with the MSR. He then applied the EY configuration to h1susb123 and we found that the SUS ITMY model running long problem was fixed. He then applied this BIOS setting to following computers

h1sush2a, h1sush2b, h1sush34, h1seib1, h1seih23, h1oaf0, h1lsc0

After this h1lsc0 would not boot, we will get back to this later. Strangely the IOP models on h1sush2a and h1sush34 now ran over their CPU limit and the CPU usage was much more noisy than before, but only these two models! So we put back the original "MSR BIOS configuration" onto these two front ends only, and the models on these computers are running correctly again. We need to figure out why identical BIOS settings cause failure to boot and models running long problems.

In the process of changing the BIOS on h1susb123 we accidentally Dolphin crashed all MSR front ends, so that made for an excellent opportunity to change the BIOS on all systems. We burt restored SUS MC1,2,3 to 10am this morning to restore the DC offsets correctly.

Dan (LDAS) upgraded h1dmtqfs0 to Solaris 11.0. This is the QFS writer for the /gdsh1 DMT file system. He is also upgrading h2ldasgw1 on H2 DAQ.

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