Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 18:16, Tuesday 04 December 2012
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:16, Tuesday 04 December 2012 (4833)
DMT Maintenance
The h1broadcast0 computer memory has been changed to 24G.  

The daqd process would not run, found that the process appears to have been built against framecpp-1.19.24 while other daqd processes are built against framecpp-1.18.2.  Earlier the framecpp link in /opt/rtapps was changed to support compiling a new version of daqd on the data concentrator (which failed), and ended up pointing to framecpp-1.18.2, which caused the h1broadcast0 daqd to try to use the wrong library.  I fixed this by changing the ld.so.conf.d/framecpp.conf file to point to framecpp-1.19.24 on h1broadcast0 and doing a re-cache. It seems to be running now.

Cloned h1dmt0 to create h1dmt1 (to be done tomorrow).  h1dmt0 is back running.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.