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Reports until 01:49, Wednesday 05 December 2012
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:49, Wednesday 05 December 2012 (4836)
MC REFL telescopes and more added to HAM2

[Rodica, Luke, David, Cheryl, Giacomo]

Many activities were carreid out in parallel today (or, I should say, yesterday). Mainly (and besides what has already been reported in other posts):

- MC REFL telescopes were assembled, positioned on the table and the beam aligned up to the last mirror (MC REFL 2 Bottom). A temporary baffle blocks it just out of the periscope.

- IO QPD 1 was installed on the table extension, together with the beam dump that catches its reflection

- With help from Keita and Corey, two actuated siskiyou mounts have been fixed (there was a problem with the ball bearing), and stop-collars installed. Stop collars on the actuated mount after the IO Periscope have not been installed to avoid comprimising the alignment of the input beam. Needs to be done before pump-down.

- PRM surrogate was placed on the table; position needs to be refined.

- the HWP is ready and installed in the mount, although temporarily on a different post to be used in the FI to align the forward rejected beam.

Some parts for the viewport simulator were missing; they were procured in the afternoon and sent to C&B. Should be out tomorrow.

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