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Reports until 18:53, Tuesday 09 April 2019
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:53, Tuesday 09 April 2019 (48361)
SQZ laser current changed

Daniel, Nutsinee

Current|Temperature from before: 1.955A | 33.72C

Current|Temperature now: 1.935A | 33.73C

This was a quick fix just to get away from the multimode given the amount of time we had. Hopefully it's good until next Tuesday. A proper mapping of good current/temperature region still needs to be done.

Due to less current we are also putting less red into the SHG. Daniel adjusted the SHG temperature to optimize the green output (was 35.8C, now 36.9C). 35.8C was set for 100mW of red input to the SHG. He also tweaked the red alignment into SHG, upped the power by 2%. Alignment tweaking hasn't been done at least since the last time the laser current was adjusted. Changing laser current/temperature might have changed the alignment into the SHG.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.