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Reports until 08:23, Friday 07 December 2012
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:23, Friday 07 December 2012 (4853)
IO installation activity continued

Early this morning, Cheryl check the alignemnt. She found the beam to be:

- good on all three irises before IM1

- misaligned in the FI

- good in the two irises after the faraday (before and after IM4)

All suspension had unchanged offsets wrt yesterday, in particular:

  IM1 IM2 IM3 IM4
Pit 1000 -1750 1500 0
Yaw -700 0 0 0


She checked again and more thoroughly mid-morning, with the same conclusion. She took some picture (to be posted soon)


HAM3 ISI was then locked, which did not visibly change the beam reaching HAM2. This allowed David and Luke to torque to spec (100 in lb) all clamps on HAM3 ISI: MC2, PR2, all IO components, cable clamps and ISC breadboard to the table (but not the componenets to the breadboard).

HAM3 ISI was then unlocked (again with no visible shift in the beam) and we proceeded to re-aligning the FI, using IM1 and IM2 (only yaw, as pitvh looked good). Then we used IM3 (again, only yaw) to center the beam on the iris between IM3 and IM4. Finally we centered the beam on PR2 using IM4 in both pitch and yaw (we replaced the PRM surrogate with an AR-AR optic with the same wedge and thickness, to increase the visibility of the transmitted baem). Final offsets:

  IM1 IM2 IM3 IM4
Pit 1000 -1750 1500 -1050
Yaw -1500 -750 500 7050

And it was lunch time...

After lunch, we placed an iris after the PRM surrogate to be used as a reference for the beam out of IM4, and for red laser alignment. We then removed the yaw offset from IM4, and used the pushers to rotate it back untill the beam was centered again on the iris (about 1/4 mm, or less than half a turn). Other miscellana:

- clamp adapeter and clamp placed on the short east side of MC1

- all non-temporary (and a few temporary) clamps torque to spec (100 in lb): MC1, MC3, IM1-4 (at present, with 2 temporary clamps each), MC refl telescopes, IO telescope, IO steering mirrors.

- visble laser set-up ans aligned to the irises. Form now on we can work in laser safe codnition using the red laser.

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