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Reports until 09:54, Saturday 08 December 2012
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:54, Saturday 08 December 2012 - last comment - 08:19, Monday 10 December 2012(4867)
HAM2 auxiliary beam alingment mostly done

[Cheryl, Deepak, Luke, Giacomo]

Yesterday morning Cheryl was helping Jodie inspecting the beam tube between HAM2 and HAM3 for (lack of) cleanliness.

Deepak and Luke assembled the viewport replicator using one of the HAM1 doors as a reference.

Using a temporary steering mirror I aligned the visible laser pointer to two iriris previously placed iusing the IR beam (one ~20 cm before IM4 and the other after PRM surrogate, pretty much at the edge of the table). I used it to align all the auxiliary beams (froward and backwards) in transmission of IM4. (note that initially I used two different placements of the laser for the forward and backward beams; later, I found a location from which I could inject the visible laser in the forward direction, use the reflection off of PRM as a backward beam, and align all beam paths at the same time).

After a late lunch, we all worked at refining the beam alignment and optics positions, and aligned the two beams that go towards the HAM2 est door using references on the table. We then moved the viewport replicator from HAM1 to HAM2 and confirmed that the beams go through the right viewport pretty much in the center. Further adjustment left to Joe, that is more familiar with the IO tables and can tweak the exit beams at his will.

Auxiliary beam paths centering as of now:

- MC2 transimitted: aligned

- MC REFL: ok down to the exit of the second periscope. Needs to e pointed to the right viewport from there (using vewport replicator)

- IM1 transmitted: not aligned. Needs to e pointed to the right viewport using vewport replicator

- FI forward rejected: not aligned. Will need to be if the beam dump (currently in C&B) is installed, otherwise we move the steering mirror away and it lands on a SiC baffle.

- IM4 forward transmitted to IO QPD: aligned

- IM4 forward transmitted to ISS PD: aligned down to last optic (ISS PD not on the table)

- IM4 forward transmitted to IOT: aligned (exit point to be tweaked?)

- IM4 backward transmitted to IOT: aligned (exit point to be tweaked?)

- REFL beam: aligned to HAM1/2 septum viewport.

Comments related to this report
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 08:19, Monday 10 December 2012 (4869)
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