Reports until 09:06, Monday 10 December 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:06, Monday 10 December 2012 (4870)
HAM2/3 Beam Tube Inspection
This report is for Friday, 07 Dec 2012. 
On Thursday, 06 Dec, I received a phone call from Janeen, Matt H. and Danny at LLO wrt contamination in the beamtube between LHAM2 and LHAM3. We discussed methods for mitigation and they asked if we could go in and make an inspection of the beamtube between WHAM2 and WHAM3. After a brief discussion with Michael L. at morning meeting, Cheryl and I planned and executed an incursion.

After gathering materials (Stinger, Cheryl's good camera, alcohol, wipes, etc)and garbing, we carefully entered HAM3 since we figured the "cat eye" baffle gave us the best shot at getting into the beamtube without having to remove a baffle. First, we inspected the optical table and its contents. Next, we looked at the bellows convolution and the flange area. Then, we climbed through the baffle aperture and proceeded to "walk the grid" down to HAM2. Cheryl took pix when we found anything interesting (and I'm sure she will attach some when she gets a chance). Once we were at the HAM2 baffle, we looked at the flange area and the baffle surface then turned around. On the way back to HAM3, we paid special attention to the overhead nozzles where conflats are attached. Below is a list of our findings.

-Optical table: particulate contamination on table and optics
-HAM3 bellows convolutions: white speckles, some short white fibers, unknown "dust"
-HAM3/manifold flange: flange surface covered in fine "dust", large piece of glove
-Manifold bottom half from HAM3 to HAM2: white specks and larger white "fluffs", a small "pile" of stuff that looked like baking soda, a couple of short red fibers
-HAM2/manifold flange: flange surface covered in fine "dust", "fluffs" under baffle frame
-Nozzles on manifold top: fine gray patina

We mitigated where we could by wiping up white specks and fluffs along the bottom of the manifold. The HAM3 bellows convolutions were wiped as well. 

We'll continue to investigate the situation but use the H2 manifold for compare/contrast.