Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 17:12, Tuesday 11 December 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Tuesday 11 December 2012 (4899)
Maintenance summary

MX rack rebuild. WP#3600

We powered down the foundry rack in the MX mid station to relocate it. We also installed new fiber optics cables and replaced some of the ethernet cables. The MX vacuum and FMCS channels were unavailable during this downtime, which was from 11:00am to 12:18pm local time.

H1DAQ h1ldasgw0 upgrade to Sol11. WP#3601

The primary LDAS QFS gateway machine for the H1 DAQ was upgraded to solaris 11.0 by Dan this afternoon. There were no frames written by h1fw0 between the times

local time GPS time
14:04 1039298656
16:10 1039306208

For data between these times,  please use h1nds1 instead of h1nds0.

EPICS Gateway reboot.

After the reconnection of MX, the EPICS gateways would not reconnect and would periodically freeze. The cdsegw0 machine's console was showing multiple CPU lock-out errors, and I could not restart the machine from the console or ssh login. So I had to reset the computer using the front panel switch. It had been running for more than 365 days and performed a disk system check.

I then restarted all the gateways except any related to the H2 system. This means that the H2DAQ does not have access to any IOC outside of the H2 FE LAN, i.e. no vacuum or fmcs data. After 3 hours of running we are not seeing any processor creep on the gateways, normally they consume increasing cpu time after running for a while. Perhaps the reduced processor loading has fixed this problem.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.