Reports until 13:26, Thursday 13 December 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:26, Thursday 13 December 2012 (4916)
MC1/MC3 SUS remaining closeout work

Mostly for myself (and to keep track in the event some push out to a subsequent vent), the following are items SUS still needs to do in HAM2/3 before the chamber is officially checked off the install list.

To be done in the next day:

Tweek lower stage AOSEMs to 50% OLV

Swap PFA EQ stop tips with fluorel/glass tips

Install Vibration Absorbers

Lock all EQ nuts


Things we're pushing toafter the next vent in the new year:

Re-check heights of prisms to table surface

Perform B&K Hammer testing

Round of FC cleaning since duration of chamber-work exposure to MC1 and MC3 optical faces was many weeks (duplicating the LLO schedule)

Install PR3, PRM, and all associated install and testing steps, etc.  Balance of install/alignment procedure...