During maintenance today, in an effort to center our green input pointing QPDs that sit on TMSY, I pico-ed the M3 mirror since it is the only one that controls a green beam only, and not any IR beams. However, it is not the beam that goes to the QPDs, but rather is the beam that goes to the ETM. I tried to undo my pico moves, but as always, it won't be perfect since they are hysteretic. So far we've been able to do initial alignment okay, so hopefully things will be smooth for the rest of acquisition.
After I put the picos back, Sheila and I ran the green arm with WFS feedback to ETMY and TMSY, and moved the digital offsets on the green QPDs, and didn't find that any of the offsets made a major change in the amount of light transmitted through the arm cavity or in the amount of light reflected to the length locking photodiode. Changing the QPD A offset in yaw made the biggest change, but it still only decreased our transmitted power by about 1%. We think that when the green Y arm is flashing, more than 20% of the power is in the non-00 mode, so if this was due to clipping we'd expect that we'd be able to change the QPD offsets and find a place where we had a significantly different amount of power transmitted. So, it seems that clipping is not the reason that we struggle to lock the Yarm in green more than the Xarm in green.