Reports until 08:41, Wednesday 15 May 2019
H1 General (Lockloss)
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:41, Wednesday 15 May 2019 - last comment - 09:56, Thursday 16 May 2019(49257)
Sudden LockLoss with Verbal Alarm for MC3 shows

The LockLoss at 12:51:54 UTC was preceded by 4 seconds, by a Verbal Alarm for MC3, at 12:51:54 UTC.

Attached is a time series of the MC3 M1 OSEMS, and the  H1:SUS-MC3_M1_OSEMINF_T2_OUT_DQ starts to glitch at 125.84 seconds into the plot, while the other MC3 M1 OSEMS, and Cal Delta and OMC DCPD A, are unaffected.

Other MC3 M1 OSEMS glitch next, then LockLoss.


While Relocking, DRMI lost lock and that also gave a Verbal Alarm for MC3.

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Comments related to this report
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 09:05, Wednesday 15 May 2019 (49259)

Very interesting, good find Cheryl.

It's also in the drives, but only on MC3.  So, it looks like it's something with the MC3 suspension, since if it was a glitch coming from the WFS it should show up on all of the IMC suspensions. 

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jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - 11:48, Wednesday 15 May 2019 (49265)

This happened to Sheila and me again this morning, as we were trying to finish up going to low noise at 40W, but this time it was MC1's T2 and T3.  The WFS don't see anything until after the glitch, so this confirms my earlier suspicion that it is not coming from the WFS. 

If MC1 and MC3 are served by the same coil driver box, it sounds a lot like it might be glitching on us.

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filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - 12:25, Wednesday 15 May 2019 (49266)

The following units were power cycled during a lockloss:

SUS-C4 U41 S1001089 Coil Driver (MC1)
SUS-C4 U40 S1000242 Coil Driver (MC1/MC3)
SUS-C4 U39 S1001084 Coil Driver (MC3)
SUS-C4 U30 S1108081 AI

sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 12:45, Wednesday 15 May 2019 (49267)

Attached are screenshots from both of these locklosses.  The first screenshot shows all the top mass osem readbacks, in most of them the glitch show up slowly because it is going through the damping loops and the mechanical response of the suspension, but the glitch in T2 is much faster which indicates it is a problem with that sensor in both locklosses (MC3 T2 in Cheryl's low noise locklosses, MC1 T2 in th recent lockloss at 40W input power).  

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filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - 09:56, Thursday 16 May 2019 (49279)

The AA (S1105215) chassis was power cycled yesterday afternoon after a lockloss.