Reports until 20:07, Wednesday 15 May 2019
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:07, Wednesday 15 May 2019 - last comment - 15:37, Thursday 30 May 2019(49270)
power up to 40W today, much of our time spent on other problems

Sheila, Georgia, Jenne

Today we took some commissioning time to try to increase the input power.  The increase in input power went fairly well, but we had many locklosses due to problems unrelated to power up, more likely related to Tuesday maintence.  In total we spent about 3-4 hours today commisioning, although the observatory mode was set to commisioning the entire time. 

Increasing power:

Other problems:

most of our locklosses today were unrelated to powering up, we lost lock twice for reasons that were related to our commissioning efforts, the rest of our many locklosses seem to be related to other problems.  We have had MC1+3 T2 osem glitches 3 times today, 49257 the first two times caused locklosses, and the third time we were able to stay locked.  

We also have had many similar locklosses in the states where we engage ASC and transition to DC readout before powering up.  We don't understand this, and the problems seem to have started yesterday.  


Comments related to this report
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - 15:37, Thursday 30 May 2019 (49558)

Here are the locklosses from our attempts to power up to 40W that day:

first attempt: 1241979858 lost lock due to MC1 glitch

2nd: 1241988915

3rd: 1241995833

4th and final: 1242014355