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Reports until 19:08, Thursday 13 December 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:08, Thursday 13 December 2012 (4928)
REFL beam aligned to the first steering mirror in HAM1 (Deepak, JoeG, Cheryl, Keita)

Using the retro reflection from the surrogate PRM, we centered the IFO REFL beam on the first beam splitter (M14 in M1000313, 95% splitter) on HAM1 because there's no height adjustment for REFL path in HAM1.

The beam was centered (roughly) on the HR surface of the splitter, I didn't care to spread the decentering on HR and AR side due to an uncomfortable working position.

The beam dump was readjusted to receive the reflected beam off of M14.

The splitters and steering mirrors downstream was not aligned as there's no way I was able to see the beam with this tiny power.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.