Reports until 14:24, Friday 17 May 2019
sharan.banagiri@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:24, Friday 17 May 2019 (49312)
Using rain as a PEM injection
Sharan, Robert. 

There was heavy rain yesterday (16th May 2019) for about 10 minutes yesterday,  which we used as an adhoc pem injection. The noise from the rain seem to have caused a range drop of at least 2-3 Mpc (see figure 2 below), and coupled with DARM at ~ 48 Hz, 80 - 100 Hz and at ~ 380 Hz (see figure 2). Using the HAM6VAC SEPTUM accelerometer was a witness, the noise below 100 Hz in DARM seems consistent with the coupling estimate from 48912. It is not clear where the 380 Hz line is from, but it can be seen from spectrograms to be present for the duration of the rain (figure 3).

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