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Reports until 11:54, Friday 14 December 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:54, Friday 14 December 2012 (4932)
SEI HAM23 IOP Watchdog Change, add sush2a back to trip logic

WP#3605, userapps svn r3464

I modified the h1iopseih23 model to reconnect the WD signal from SUS H2A. This permits MC1 and MC3 HAM2 OSEM signals to trip the DACKILL on SEIH23, along with PR2 and MC2 from HAM3. The MEDM screen was also changed accordingly.

All models on h1seih23 were stopped and restarted. ISI was burt restored to its safe.snaps (note, there seems to be problems with ISI HAM3's safe.snap). HPI models dont have safe.snaps and were restored to the backup made at the time of shutdown.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.