Reports until 15:42, Friday 14 December 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:42, Friday 14 December 2012 (4936)
HAM2 SUS work

This afternoon we finished prepping MC1 and MC3 for the pump down scheduled for next week.  As per my prior alog list, we:

Tweeked the lower stage AOSEMs into place (Travis did the hard ones via YOGA moves across the table after I gave up).

Swapped the PFA EQ stops with the fluorel ones.

Installed the VAs.

Locked all the EQ stop nuts.

Add-on task - we dabbed a few particles off of the MC1/3 faces and then decided it was futile and will have to wait until the next vent for FC cleaning.  Note, while adjusting the AOSEM upside-down teensy set screws which are an inch away from the optic facees, we might have brushed a gloved knuckle against the MC1 AR optic.  Uugh.  Chalk that one up to an addition to a design change list or at least a lesson learnt.


Adding to the to-do/install list, Richard is also going to try to tackle the ground loop checks on HAM2/3 next week.

We'll also finish pump-prep work on the HAM3 SUSes (PR2 and MC2) next week.