Reports until 14:25, Saturday 15 December 2012
H1 SEI - posted 14:25, Saturday 15 December 2012 - last comment - 14:41, Saturday 15 December 2012(4942)
HAM2-ISI - Floating

JimW, HughR, HugoP,

Finished payloading HAM2-ISI.

Set up the lockers. Lockers needed an horizontal set up only. We did not change shims. The Locked/Unlocked shift is comparable to HAM3-ISI's: way below requirements.

Sensors Table Locked (Counts) Table Unlocked (Counts)


H1 -3765.00 -3613.00 152.00
H2 -2213.00 -2109.00 104.00
H3 385.00 -101.00 486.00
V1 575.00 561.00 14.00
V2 -493.00 -376.00 117.00
V3 -839.00 -285.00 554.00

Requirements are (E1000309-v12): 


The Horizontal CPS readouts are slightly out of requirements on 2 horizontal CPSs (H1 and H2). Targets are a bit too close to their CPSs, but they are far from contacting, so there is nothing to worry about. The zero of these horizontal CPSs will be reset once the payload, and thus the lockers, are in final state (after the IMC test).

Only the blade spring profiles of corner 1 and 2 could be measured. They are within requirements.

Blade # Flatness (mils)
1 8
2 X
3 2

Requirements are (E1000309-v12): 

We checked the level of the Optical Table with the optical Level: +-0.1mm.  More or less right at the 100urad requirement.

Locker shims and mass budget are recorded. The cables were dressed and HAM2-ISI was left unlocked, ready for testing on Monday.

Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 14:41, Saturday 15 December 2012 (4943)
Back in the office, have benchmark elevation now.  Elevation of Optical Table is -253.3mm Gz, 0.4mm below required -252.9mm and well within spec.