Reports until 13:36, Monday 17 December 2012
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:36, Monday 17 December 2012 (4951)
The H2 DAQ system has been shut down
The H2 daq system has been shut down.  This includes h2dc0, h2nds0, h2nds1, h2fw0, h2fw1, h2ldasgw0, h2ldasgw1, h2boot, and h2build.  This shutdown is permanent, all but h2boot and h2build will be reused to create a DAQ system for the X1 DAQ test stand.

No online data will be available from the h2 system using h2nds0 or h2nds1.

Old data will be available using NDS2.