Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 15:55, Monday 17 December 2012
H1 General
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:55, Monday 17 December 2012 (4952)
Monday Ops Shift Summary
•	Tumbleweeds completely blocking access to X and Y-arms as well as the main entrance to the OSB. Weather station at EY reported max wind velocity near 
        80 MPH early this morning.
•	Mid Columbia Forklift onsite to examine green forklift and turn various bolts with various wrenches and nod approvingly.
•	0900 - LVEA to laser hazard for Cheryl (mode cleaner) and Michael (PSL).
•	1020 - Hugo and Mark B connecting SUS and ISI watch dogs; restarting H1 SUS models.
•	1345 – Hanford Fire Dep onsite to inspect panels.
•	1330 - Bubba and crew prepping equipment in LVEA for septum removal at Ham 9.
•	1415 - LVEA returned to laser safe.
•	1530 – Kyle torquing bolts on conflat for HAM 3
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.