Reports until 19:38, Monday 17 December 2012
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:38, Monday 17 December 2012 (4955)
IMC flashing: gains set on MC1/2/3 for R/P/Y
- Deepak, Cheryl

A camera was set up to look at the IM1 (SM1) transmitted beam, using the C3 door cover as a target.  MC1 was off in alignment, due to coming off earthquake stops, and required a pitch slider value of -4170, and yaw slider value of -2880 to get good IMC flashing.  MC2 and MC3 were initially unchanged, and MC3 was only tweaked at the end to optimize the modes coming from the IMC.  HAM3 was locked and HAM2 was floating during the alignment.

 Old values for MC1:      P =   -840, Y =   -320
 New values for MC1:     P = -4170, Y = -2880

After talking to Mark Barton, it seems like it would be good to have the SUS team adjust the pitch of MC1 to reduce the drive we need.

I set the gains on Roll/Pitch/Yaw for MC1, MC2, and MC3.  The values were low and the optics were effectively not being damped in those degrees of freedom.

Final alignment attached.
Images attached to this report