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Reports until 12:39, Tuesday 18 December 2012
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:39, Tuesday 18 December 2012 (4959)
PD replacement in the ALS refcav transmission path

[Volker / Kiwamu]

 This morning I went in the PSL room with an escort of Volker to replace a PD in one of the ALS paths. The PD (PDA100A) that had been in the ALS refcav transmission path [1]  was replaced with a Thorlabs SM1PD1A as designed. The output DC current from the new PD was about 0.36 mA when the laser light is on the PD. Note that I used a standard Fluke digital multi-meter for reading out the photo current. So no DC bias was applied on the diode.

[1] LHO alog #4721

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